We leverage technology to provide quality, multi-dimensional education driven by a three-legged pillar of functional knowledge, in-demand skills, and a solution-based mindset. We believe in the transformative power of education towards preparing every child for future opportunities.
Education as conceptualized in Ihifix Digital Academy aligns with the Greek definition, ‘Edukos’, which means “to draw forth from within.” We believe that education should develop innate abilities and empower the individual for impact not just to inform. More so, it goes beyond certification for job-seeking but equipping for job-creation.
Our teachers are a hybrid of experts drawn from amongst academics, professionals, and practitioners so as to provide a contextual blend of theory and practice.
Digitally enhanced teaching and learning. Hands-on experiential learning that ensures practical skills uptake with daily in-session and out-session exercises; Self-paced, individualized learning and Internship
Participatory learning, practical exercises, projects, and micro facilitation.
We enable a brighter future at ihifix. In addition to the Nigerian ministry of education certificates, students will have certifications from renowned professional bodies.
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